Terminator - Collection of references

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Global campaign to ban terminator: http://www.banterminator.org/

2 pager on terminator and action required (ban terminator and ETC)

Letter to delegates of COP 8 regarding details of the upcoming negotiations and the campaigns suggestions (ban terminator and ETC)

Potential socio economic impacts of genetic use restriction Technologies (gurts) on indigenous and local communities
Draft recommendation to COP 8 submitted by the Co-Chairs of Sub-Working Group II, Granada, January 2006

Decisions taken by COP 5 and COP 6 of the CBD on Terminator Technology (de facto moratorium)

“Advice on the report of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Genetic Use Restriction Technologies"
Detailed description and scientific assessment of GURT technologies with substantial reference list by EcoNexus and the Federation of German Scientists, December 2005

Can biological containment work for crops and society?
GeneWatch UK briefing explaining why Terminator is no solution to prevent GMO contamination, December 2005

Press release on Monsanto's Terminator pledge with subsequent exchange of letters between Monsanto and the BanTermintor Campaing